
So here it starts, then. I am not the most skilled or even die-hard of MineCraft players, but I know plenty about trains and train stuff. I noticed a particular lack of railroad help in the MC community I choose dwell in, and after not being turned down by others I figured I had nothing to lose by firing up this blog for the topic.

Okay, so a few things to highlight. I typically play TrainCraft in combination with RailCraft an other mods, but I have spent some time also with Rails of War. A great deal of the advice here should cover both (and others), but I will state that YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY. I’m also not used to blogging so if this thing gets a bit clunky I apologize in advance. I’d also like to state that my computer is aging, and I don’t have fancy shaders or other graphics enhancements on my game, but since this is more of a technical ‘how-to’ graphics shouldn’t matter much.

TrainCraft itself is fairly old, and at the time of this writing has finally hit version 1.7. (TrainCraft Forever?) I have yet to actually get my hands on that version, but I will do my best to update content here as it pertains to new tweaks and quirks of the train mods that I am aware of.
